How to Arrange Your Bedroom Furniture Feng Shui Style

Ultimate Guide to How to Arrange Your Bedroom Furniture Feng Shui Style

Are you looking for a way to maximize your bedroom’s energy and create balance in your home? Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that helps arrange furniture, colors, and objects in the house to promote positive energy flow. And today, we will delve into how to arrange your bedroom furniture feng shui style.

Yes, we know that it can be intimidating at first, but with some basic principles, it’s easy to get started.

We will discuss how to properly place beds, control clutter, choose a color scheme and add lighting elements that all contribute to knowing how to arrange your bedroom furniture feng shui style!

So without any further ado. Let’s jump right in!

Table of Contents:


Feng Shui Design

Welcome to the world of feng shui. Whether you’re a middle-aged woman, a furniture enthusiast, or a middle-aged couple looking for ways to spruce up your home, this guide is here to help.

In this article, we will discuss four key elements that can make all the difference when creating an inviting and stylish space in the Feng Shui method: bed placement, clutter control, color scheme and lighting.

In brief, this is what we will cover:

Bedroom Decor – Feng Shui way

When it comes to bedroom decorating ideas, one of the most critical things in feng shui is where you place your bed.

You want it in an area that feels comfortable and inviting while allowing enough room for other pieces of furniture like nightstands or dressers.

If possible, try placing your bed against a wall so that there’s more open floor space in front of it – this will create the illusion of having more room than you actually do.

Additionally, if you have windows nearby, be sure they’re not blocked by large pieces, as natural light can brighten up a room and make it feel more prominent.

Clutter Control – Positive energy flow

Clutter can quickly take over any living space if left unchecked, so it’s essential to keep tidying up regularly.

Start by sorting through items into categories such as ‘keep’, ‘throw away’ or ‘donate’ and then put everything back in its rightful place afterwards; this will help prevent the unnecessary mess from accumulating again soon after cleaning out your home.

Additionally, consider investing in storage solutions such as baskets or bins, which are great for keeping small items organized without too much visual space within the room – perfect for those with little extra square footage available but still want their homes tidy.

Color Scheme

Choosing colors wisely when designing interiors is essential; they should complement each other well while simultaneously reflecting personal style preferences.

When picking out hues, think about how different shades work together – warm tones like reds, oranges, yellows etc. look best with cool blues, greens and purples, etc., while neutral colors (white, black and grey) act as good accents throughout any design scheme no matter what else has been chosen beforehand.

Furthermore, lighter shades open up smaller spaces, making them appear larger than they actually are. In contrast, darker ones add depth and dimensionality – both options being equally valid depending on individual needs/desires, so experiment until finding something that works ideally within given parameters.


Lighting plays an integral role in setting the mood, atmosphere and overall ambience within any interior design project; whether opting for overhead fixtures, lamps, sconces, candles, string lights etc., there are plenty of options available nowadays, which makes choosing just the right one even easier than before.

Natural sunlight streaming through windows during daytime hours helps brighten dark corners whilst artificial illumination creates cozy atmospheres come nighttime – either way, aim at using multiple sources around the house to ensure maximum comfort levels wherever people may go inside the property itself.


Ok, so now the brief is sorted, let’s dive deeper into the world of feng shui furniture decor!

Key Takeaway: Creating a beautiful and inviting living space doesn’t have to be complicated – following four key elements, such as bed placement, clutter control, color scheme and lighting, can help create the perfect atmosphere for your home.

Bedroom Layout Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice to bring balance and harmony into your home.

How you arrange your bedroom can significantly affect the space’s energy, so it’s essential to keep this in mind when designing or revamping.

Luckily, you can still change your existing design; you can take several simple steps to ensure that your bedroom layout follows feng shui principles.

There are a few critical steps to take:

Feng shui bedroom rules

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging physical objects in your home to create a more harmonious and balanced living space. Regarding the bedroom, specific rules should be followed to achieve maximum benefit. 

Here are some vital feng shui bedroom rules you should consider when designing or re-arranging your room:

Feng shui layout diagram

A feng shui layout diagram helps visualize and implement this arrangement into any home or office space.

There are many variations of feng shui layouts. Still, all include eight essential elements: mirrors, plants, water features, colours, furniture placement and artwork.

By carefully following the principles outlined in a feng shui layout diagram, one can create a tranquil atmosphere that encourages good luck and prosperity.

Mirrors are essential in a feng shui layout because they reflect light to create balance throughout the room. 

Plants bring life force energy into space, so choosing ones with positive associations with luck, such as bamboo or lucky grasses, is vital.

Feng shui bed placement

bed Feng Shui Style

Bed placement is an essential part of Feng Shui.

The ideal position for a bed is known as the “commanding position”, which allows you to see the door while lying down.

This helps create a sense of safety and security while sleeping.

To achieve this, place your bed so that it faces away from any walls or furniture that may block your view.

Ensure that two nightstands on either side of the bed have enough room to move around comfortably.

When placing your bed in relation to other furniture pieces, keep in mind how they interact with each other energetically.

For example, if you have an armoire or dresser near your bed, ensure it isn’t blocking energy flow by being too close or obstructing windows or doors.

Additionally, try not to put any electronics, such as TVs, directly across from where you sleep since this can disrupt restful sleep patterns due to their electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

Finally, when arranging furniture around your bed, be mindful not only of its functionality but also its aesthetic appeal; choose pieces that complement each other visually without overcrowding the area for a more inviting atmosphere overall.

When it comes to bed placement, the key is to ensure that your bed is not blocking any doors or windows.

By following these simple guidelines, you can create a space that will help promote restful sleep and relaxation – now, let’s move on to clutter control.

Clutter Control

Clutter in a bedroom can be overwhelming and make it difficult to relax. Clutter prevents energy from flowing freely through the room, causing feelings of exhaustion and restlessness.

According to Feng Shui, controlling clutter is vital for aesthetic and mental reasons.

To keep your bedroom organized and free of clutter, here are some tips:

1. Assign Everything A Place: Make sure that everything has its designated spot so that nothing is left lying around or forgotten about. This will help ensure that items are recovered and correctly placed and create unnecessary clutter.

2. Use Storage Containers & Baskets: Investing in storage containers and baskets is a great way to organize small items like jewellery, makeup, books, etc., while keeping them out of sight but still easily accessible when needed. It’s also easy to add texture and color to the room without taking up too much space.

3. Keep Only What You Need: Take time every few months to go through all of your belongings and donate or throw away anything that isn’t being used regularly or has no sentimental value attached to it anymore – this includes clothes as well. Keeping only what you truly need will help reduce the amount of stuff cluttering your bedroom over time.

4. Utilize Wall Space: If floor space is limited due to furniture pieces such as dressers, nightstands, etc., then consider utilizing wall space instead for extra storage solutions like shelves or hanging organizers for clothing/accessories/etc. This will give you more room on the floor and provide additional decorative elements for the room itself.

Lastly, try to declutter at least once a month or weekly. Doing this consistently will help prevent any unwanted build-up from occurring again in the future, which could lead back into cluttered chaos.

You can create a more peaceful atmosphere by organizing your bedroom and eliminating unnecessary items.

Organizing Bedroom Items

Start by organizing items into categories, such as clothing, books, electronics, etc. This will help you determine what needs to stay in the room and what should be moved elsewhere.

Once everything is sorted out, consider using storage containers or baskets for each category of items. This will help keep things organized and make them easier to find when needed.

When putting away clothes or other items after use, take the time to put them back where they belong instead of leaving them lying around the room. Doing this consistently will help maintain an orderly environment with minimal effort.

Decoration Pieces

Additionally, if any items aren’t used often enough but still need to be kept in the bedroom (like seasonal decorations), store them away in labelled boxes, so they’re easy to access when needed without taking up too much space or adding unnecessary clutter throughout the year.

If your bedroom has limited storage space, try using vertical shelving units or hanging organizers on walls for additional organization options without taking up floor space. Wall-mounted shelves are great for storing books and knickknacks. At the same time, hanging organizers keep jewellery and accessories tidy yet easily accessible at all times.

Limit your furniture

Finally, try to have only a few pieces of furniture in your bedroom as these can quickly add up, creating more clutter than necessary which can lead to feeling overwhelmed every time you enter the room – something nobody wants.

Therefore, focus on only purchasing essential pieces like a bed frame/headboard combo set plus one nightstand per side if desired; anything else beyond those basics should be carefully considered before bringing home since less is always more when it comes to keeping a bedroom free from clutter.

Now let’s choose a suitable color scheme for your bedroom furniture feng shui.

Key Takeaway: Organizing items into categories and using storage containers or baskets, putting away clothes items after use, utilizing vertical shelving units and hanging organizers, and limiting the number of pieces of furniture are all essential to take to arrange a bedroom feng shui.

Feng shui bedroom colors

Color is an essential element of Feng Shui, as it can affect the energy flow in a bedroom. Choosing the right colors for your bedroom will create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

Warm Colors:

Warm colors such as reds, oranges, and yellows energize and stimulate. They can also bring feelings of warmth and comfort to a room. However, they should be used sparingly in bedrooms since they may cause restlessness or overstimulation at night.

Cool Colors:

Cool colors like blues, greens, purples, and whites are calming and soothing, making them ideal for bedrooms. These colors help promote relaxation so you can get a good night’s sleep without being disturbed by too much stimulation from bright hues.

Neutral Colors:

Neutral tones such as tans, browns, grays, creams etc., balance warm and cool shades while creating a tranquil atmosphere that won’t overwhelm you when relaxing before bedtime.

When choosing paint or decorating materials for your bedroom, stick with two or three primary colors plus some accent pieces in other shades if desired; this will keep the look cohesive without feeling too busy or overwhelming.

Additionally, consider adding texture through fabrics such as curtains or rugs; these items can add visual interest without removing the room’s overall colour scheme.

Finally, remember that light plays a vital role in how we perceive color; natural lighting during daytime hours will make any hue appear brighter than artificial lighting at night, so adjust accordingly when selecting wall paints or fabrics.

A harmonious color scheme is integral to achieving a feng shui bedroom. With the proper lighting, you can bring out the best in your chosen colors and create a calming and inviting space.

Key Takeaway: When selecting colors for your bedroom, consider using two or three primary colors plus some accent pieces. Cool tones like blues and greens are calming, while warm hues like reds and yellows can be energizing. Neutral shades provide a balance between the two extremes. Texture through fabrics can add visual interest without removing the room’s overall colour scheme.


Lighting is an essential element of Feng Shui and can significantly impact the energy flow in a bedroom.

The type of lighting used in a bedroom should be soft, warm, and inviting.

Natural light is ideal for bedrooms as it creates an atmosphere that encourages relaxation and restfulness. If natural light isn’t available, opt for lamps with low-wattage bulbs to create a cozy ambience.

Using dimmers or adjustable lights are also great options as they allow you to adjust the brightness level depending on your needs at any given time. You can use bright lights when getting ready in the morning or during tasks such as reading or writing, then switch to softer lighting when winding down before bedtime.

Mirrors placed opposite windows will help reflect natural light throughout the room while adding depth and dimension to your space.

Strategically placed mirrors can also make small rooms appear larger by creating an illusion of more space than what actually exists.


In addition to natural light sources, candles are another great way to add warmth and coziness to your bedroom decorating scheme without using electricity. Candles come in many shapes, sizes, colors and scents, so you can find one that suits your style perfectly.

They are perfect for setting up romantic moods or providing extra illumination when needed most – like during power outages.

When choosing lighting fixtures for your bedroom, keep functionality in mind but remember aesthetics too; select pieces that complement each other well while still being practical enough for everyday use.

Wall sconces are great choices since they provide task-oriented lighting (for activities such as reading) and ambient illumination (to create a relaxing atmosphere).

Strategic Lighting

Finally, remember that not all bedrooms need overhead lighting; sometimes, having two strategically placed lamps around the room will do wonders. Plus, it looks much nicer too.

Lighting is vital in creating the right atmosphere and setting a mood. It is essential to use proper lighting when arranging your bedroom furniture according to feng shui principles. Now that we have covered lighting let’s move on to our conclusion.

Key Takeaway: Lighting is essential for creating a peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom; use natural light, lamps with low-wattage bulbs, adjustable lights, mirrors and candles to create a warm and inviting ambience.

Furniture decor is a great way to express your style. Measure out the space, choose durable pieces & remember accessories like pillows & throws. #InteriorDesign #HomeDecor Click to Tweet. 

FAQs about How to Arrange Your Bedroom Furniture Feng Shui

How to place furniture in the bedroom feng shui?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on placing furniture and other objects to create a harmonious balance. Concerning bedrooms, the main focus should be on creating a calming atmosphere.

To do this, place your bed away from windows or doors and ensure it’s not directly facing them. You should also avoid placing mirrors opposite your bed as they can reflect too much energy back at you while sleeping.

Additionally, try to keep clutter off the floor and out of sight by using storage solutions such as shelves or drawers for clothes and accessories. Finally, add some plants around the room for a natural touch which will help bring positive energy into your space.

How to lay out furniture in a bedroom?

When it comes to bedroom furniture layout, the most important thing is to create a sense of balance and harmony. Start by placing your bed in the center of the room, ensuring that it’s not too close to any walls or other pieces of furniture.

Then add a dresser on one side and a nightstand on the other for symmetry. If you have one, place an armchair near a window, and consider adding some shelves or storage units for a different organization.

Finally, layer rugs and artwork around the space to bring color and texture into your design scheme. You can create an inviting atmosphere that reflects your personal style with careful planning.

How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom feng shui?

To arrange furniture in a small bedroom with feng shui:

  1. Start by positioning the bed away from doors or windows to create a sense of security.
  2. Place nightstands on either side of the bed for symmetry and functionality.
  3. Keep pathways clear so you can move freely around the room.

Use light colors and mirrors to make the space feel larger while adding plants for natural energy flow.

Finally, rugs or carpets anchor furniture pieces together and bring warmth into your bedroom design.

What is the best direction for your bed to face?

The best direction for your bed to face is based on personal preference and lifestyle.

However, it is advised to sleep on your right-hand side.

For those who prefer a sense of security, facing the bed towards the door can provide a feeling of safety. Alternatively, if you’re looking to create an inviting atmosphere in your bedroom, facing the bed towards a window or other focal point can help draw attention away from any potential entry points.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider how much natural light you’d like in your room when deciding which way to orient your bed.

Ultimately, there’s no wrong answer – choose whichever direction makes you feel most comfortable and relaxed.

How to decorate a bedroom feng shui style in short?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that uses energy to create harmony and balance in the home. It can be used to decorate a bedroom, transforming it into a restful and calming space. 

To decorate your bedroom using feng shui principles, you need to consider furniture placement and use colors, shapes and patterns to evoke certain feelings.

The first step when decorating with feng shui is ensuring the room has a good energy flow. This can be achieved by removing clutter or objects blocking pathways or doorways. 

The bed should also be positioned so that it’s not facing outwards towards the door; instead, you should place it away from the doorway to feel supported while sleeping. Additionally, avoid having your bed face windows as this will cause too much external stimulation during sleep.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, arranging your bedroom furniture in feng shui is a great way to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in your home.

It involves carefully considering bed placement, clutter control, color scheme and lighting. With the right balance of these elements, you can create an inviting space that promotes relaxation and good energy flow throughout the room.

By arranging your bedroom furniture feng shui style, you will enjoy a more comfortable living environment for years to come.

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